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Nancy Gregson

As a VGH graduate in 1961, Nancy began a diverse career that spanned five decades. She was a nurse by profession but also, by essence of personality, a caregiver, organizer, and networker.

She took extensive nursing courses, worked in Critical Care, Hospital Administration, and Extended Care, and operated her own home care business. In retirement, she was active with the CRNBC registration committee. Nancy’s lifelong commitment to the nursing profession was exemplified through the generous bequest to RNFBC included in her will.

Nancy led a full life, travelling extensively and pursuing her hobbies of reading, crafts, art, photography and gardening.

Special thanks and appreciation are offered to her dear friends and nursing colleagues through the years.

Funds from this estate support the RNFBC Undergraduate Bursary.

Bursaries supported by donor

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