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On behalf of the Board and Staff of the Registered Nurses Foundation of BC I would like to wish you a safe and happy holiday season. We are all very aware that the pandemic has posed formidable challenges for everyone this year and that this holiday season will be much quieter and less festive than many of us would like. We hope that despite this you can all find ways to connect with loved ones in safe ways so this year’s celebrations are still meaningful and comforting.

We also know that within a few months we will be past the worst of the pandemic so we will can begin to regain our “normal” lives. Like all of you we can hardly wait! With this in mind, we want to wish you a safe and healthy 2021 filled with good times with love – even if we will have to wait for spring for it to happen.

Heather Mass RN Msc, Interim President
on behalf of the Volunteer Board of Directors
Registered Nurses Foundation of BC