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Healthy Aging Month

This September we recognize Healthy Aging Month, designed to raise awareness of the positive aspects of growing older and to encourage individuals to take control of their health as they age.  Nurses play an essential role in educating older adults about healthy lifestyle choices, including proper nutrition, exercise, and preventive healthcare measures. They also offer guidance on managing chronic conditions and medications; and ensuring treatment plans are understood and adhered to.

Recognizing the aging population, the complexity of health needs among seniors, and the desire to provide high-quality care, RNFBC prioritized the need to support nursing education in this area and created a bursary directed towards complex seniors’ care.

The Acton Memorial Bursary will be awarded for the first time in 2023 to support a nurse currently working in a complex seniors’ care setting who can demonstrate how their further education will improve/impact seniors’ care.

If you would like to donate to support this bursary, click here and enter Acton Bursary in the Designation Details field.