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Holiday Message from RNFBC Board

On behalf of the Board of the Registered Nurses Foundation of British Columbia (“RNFBC”), I would like to thank you, our members and generous donors, for your past and continued support.

Now more than ever with the high demand for nursing resources and the continuing high number of nursing vacancies across our province, educating nurses to fill vacancies is essential to ensure the access and delivery of the high-quality health care that we have grown to expect and that we need here in BC.  Together with people like you, we raise funds to support BC nurses to strengthen their skills through the pursuit of both basic and advanced education.

Donors are at the very heart of our organization and we are deeply thankful that 50% of our current donors have been giving for 10 years or more.  Despite the pandemic, with interest earned last year we have recently provided our 2021 awards to  over 210 recipients.  The challenge continues to be that as in 2020, we could not accommodate over 600 bursary applicants this year.

I hope you will take some time to visit our website www.rnfbc.ca and learn more about the recent bursary recipients and the exceptional group of people  that comprise the volunteer 2021-2022 Board of Directors.  Together we are enthusiastic about engaging with our members and donors to widening access to our bursaries and  ensuring that we continue to be a strong flexible charitable organization.  Our progress depends on your generosity of spirit and donations.

In closing, to our members, donors, partners, and staff, past and current, thank you!  Your investment in and your commitment to the RNFBC positions us for an excellent year ahead.  On behalf of the entire foundation, we wish you and your families a healthy 2022!

RNFBC Board of Directors