Home > News > Meet the newest member of our incredible board – Lorelei Gibson!

Meet the newest member of our incredible board – Lorelei Gibson!

Early in her career, Lorelei was on the board of directors for the Registered Nurses Association of BC representing Vancouver Metropolitan District.  Moreover, here in 2020, we welcome her back to RNFBC (formerly RNABC) as the newest member of our board team!

Lorelei is a lifelong learner and often embeds in a course of something as she works:

  • Graduated from Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing.
  • Baccalaureate and Masters in Nursing from the University of Victoria.
  • Holds a Provincial Instructor’s Diploma from Vancouver Community College, and a Prosci Change Management Certificate.

Her contributions to the nursing committee both in staff positions and as a volunteer are impressive:

  • Currently, Lorelei works for Interior Health Authority (IHA), as a Practice Lead for the Mental Health & Substance Use Network following her role as a Practice Lead for Access & Efficiency with IHA.
  • She sits on the IHA Nursing Scope of Practice Council and Clinical Records Standardization Committee.
  • She has previously worked in Child & Adolescent Mental Health at Children’s’ & Women’s (C&W) Health Centres as a point of care nurse, nurse clinician and nurse educator. She later moved into professional practice as the Professional Practice Lead for Nursing and Lead for the office of Policy for C&W.

Volunteer Roles:

  • Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses (CFMHN) serving in various roles as provincial rep, president, co-chair of communications and membership committees and co-chair of the CFMHN Biennial Conference planning committee.
  • Recently completed a two-year term as a member of the Finance Committee with the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) as one of two Directors representing the Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties.

Lorelei enjoys being outdoors, swimming, kayaking and paddle boarding as well as downhill skiing and hiking.  She also enjoys learning what will grown in her garden, or not.  She spends time with her husband and fur children hanging out with a good book or cooking for friends and family.