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My Goal is Nurse Informatics or Manager

My name is Angela Sunarjo. I am a first-year, second semester nursing student at the BCIT BSN program. I know that there are not many materials that I have learned yet, but so far, I have been enjoying the nursing clinical class. I like it because I am finally able to actually apply my nursing knowledge into practice and have real human interactions. At current moment, my end goal is to become either a nurse informatics or a nurse that focus in the management aspect of health care. My goal is shaped this way because have a previous background of majoring in business informatics for almost 2 years prior to nursing school.

The purpose of this letter is to express how grateful I am for the bursary provided through RNFBC. Like many other students, I find it a financial struggle to be a full-time student as I have to cut my work hours so that I can do well in school and give the best care for my patients during clinical. Receiving this bursary money is very helpful for me since now I can finally replace my five-year-old laptop that has a broken mic with a new one. Since the middle of this October, having a broken mic had created a barrier for me to learn optimally since it made me unable to participate easily during online class discussions. As Black Friday is coming up, I will try to find the best deal for a laptop and allocate the rest of the money to help lessen my nursing school tuition fee for the upcoming semester.

I am very grateful for this donation. Your donation has made me feel appreciated and supported as a student nurse. This motivates me even more to do better in nursing school and be more committed to learn how to be a good nurse for my patients. In the future, I will try my best to repay this kindness forward in order to help future student nurses.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for creating the RNABC Nursing Education Bursary. I am very grateful for this gift.


Angela Sunarjo