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Season of Giving

Throughout the challenges of the last number of years, we are grateful nurses have continued to do their jobs, caring for us when we are at our most vulnerable. We are also grateful that there are many who continue to choose nursing as their profession. Since 1979, Registered Nurses Foundation of BC has financially supported those entering schools of nursing as well as those who require further education to meet the needs of a complex health care system.

This year, the Foundation received many more applications from RNs, LPNs and RPNs than we could support. Sadly, we have had to disappoint many qualified applicants.

We frequently hear about the nursing shortage and how it impacts the care that British Columbians need. The Foundation is committed to lessening this shortage through financial aid. Your support makes all the difference and provides hope for nurses.

Gaining a Master’s in Education was a vital step in my role of supporting the next generation of nurses as a Clinical Nurse Educator.  Pursuing further education while balancing work and family responsibilities is a choice faced by many nurses like myself.  I’m so grateful to have received a bursary from the RNFBC, which helped relieve the financial strains of education, allowing me to focus on my studies, family, and work.  

Cathy – 2017 RNFBC Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association Bursary recipient

You can help this holiday season.

More nurses like Cathy need our support. Help us grow our awards to help more students and offer them more than our standard award of $1,000 – an amount that has not changed in decades. We invite you to make your tax-deductible donation of $100 or $250 or any amount you can before year end. We are also pleased to speak with you about establishing a named award and other ways to contribute such as including the RNFBC in your will. Donating however you choose is such a welcome way to say thank-you to a nurse in BC.

Make your one-time or monthly gift today securely on-line indicating Holiday Gift in the Campaign field. If you would prefer to make your donation by cheque, mail it to: RNFBC, 9 Foxwood Drive, Port Moody, BC, V3H 4X3.

All of us on the Board of Directors wish you a healthy and happy holiday season.

With thanks,

Pat Semeniuk
President,  Board of Directors