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Special Message re Our 2020 AGM

What a year this has been for all of us!   As with almost all non-profit societies it has certainly been challenging for us to carry out our mandate this past year. That said, we are proud to report that we still managed to provide 182 bursaries to BC’s nurses to assist with their basic and advanced education in 2020.  We have also been exploring some new opportunities for RNFBC going forward and are excited to share them with all of our members, donors, and friends.
Since the opportunities to meet in person are very limited right now due to Covid 19, we have chosen the option given by BC Societies to not hold an AGM in 2020 and instead push it forward to a date in early 2021.   We will let you know when and where it will be as soon as the date is set.  Meantime, if you are not an active member, please consider becoming one so you can join us.  If you are a member, please be sure to renew your present membership in order to have voting rights at the AGM.  You can access our membership page at www.rnfbc.ca/membership.  We need and depend on your support and valued input!

With the difficult year that was 2020 now closed and as we move into 2021, we consider the horrendous impact this pandemic has had on our loved ones and colleagues and hope you also think about the amazing skills nurses have demonstrated and the sacrifices they have made and continue to make in caring for so many sickened by it.  As a way to recognize and support their work, please consider making a meaningful one-time or monthly gift to RNFBC to help support our current and future nurses.  The process details can be found on www.rnfbc.ca.

In closing, on behalf of the RNFBC Board of Directors and our terrific staff, I would also like to thank you all for your interest and support.  It means more than you know!  Until we can actually meet in person, please stay in touch – and stay safe.

Best regards:

Heather Mass RN Msc, Interim President
on behalf of the Volunteer Board of Directors
Registered Nurses Foundation of BC