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Supporting Nursing for 45 Years

With the historic BC government announcement of mandatory nurse:patient ratios, the need to support the education of future and current nurses in all areas of care has taken on a greater urgency. This mandate is the first in Canada and will provide many opportunities for prospective nurses to pursue a career in B.C.!

RNFBC, a non-profit organization, is committed to reducing the financial barriers associated with nursing education, and has been providing educational bursaries to nursing students and practicing nurses in practice for over 45 years. This past year we awarded 187 bursaries, but sadly, the demand is so much higher. Through your donations, RNFBC can continue to increase the number of available bursaries to applicants and be part of the solution to support not only the new mandate of nurse:patient ratios, but also the ability of practicing nurses to pursue higher levels of education to support nursing practice. Please consider being a donor. Together we can make a difference in the number of nurses who care for patients in B.C. and ultimately,  patient outcomes.